Monday, September 06, 2010

Too little time

...but too much to say. This Ramadhan has been quite eventful. I lost a dear aunt two weeks ago. We were on our way to visit my aunt in the hospital when we got a call that she passed away right after Isha'. My mum is still grieving the loss of her elder sister and I just don't know how to comfort her.

I joined forces with family members to help save a marriage that was on the rocks. Insha Allah, it helped the couple to see the situation more clearly and be more mindful of how their words and actions can hurt each other. That was such an eye-opener because as I listened to the other family members speak, I realise there is a lot of lessons there that I could learn, too.

As Ramadhan is making its exit, I can't be thankful enough for the opportunity to experience it again and pray that I will be given another chance next year, insha Allah.

With that, I pray that our fasts and ibadah are accepted and Eid Mubarak to you and yours.

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