Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Well hellooo there

This blog is in need of resuscitation. The diagnosis is severe; persistent neglect. Why have gone MIA? That's a loaded question my friend. And I would answer it in parts. Some parts being too distracted by real life, most parts just plain lazy. Poor excuse I know, but hey.

So, since the last post I had, many many things have happened.

Sara seemed to have turn the corner as far as her math grades go. The school she is currently attending only tests kids at mid year and final year. Lots of Kum/on, tuition and practice hours later, she emerged with a 70% pass for her math midyear exams. My little super trooper was thrilled beyond words and this dramamama was moved to tears. She is even more enthused with practising and studying now more than ever, alhamdulillah. She's been begging to join a ballet class. We relented and I can see she's quite enjoying it (even though the husband is not too keen on seeing his little girl in leotards and a see through skirt).

The other two kiddies also turned in results which marked improvements from the first term results but they both know they could achieve much more.

And speaking of achievement, we enrolled Danial into a camp this June holidays. It's costing us a lot of money but we do hope that this camp can help jump start the boy into being self-motivated and help him realise his full potential. Today is Day 3 of the camp and he seemed to quite enjoy the experience.

Farah did well enough for us to agree to her joining a school trip to Adelaide at the end of the month. She knows she is capable of getting better grades and so we have set out goals for her to achieve for her finals. I must say I am thankful that we are not going through severe bouts of teenage angsts and mood swings.

As for the husband, he is still travelling for work. Aiming to run a marathon towards the end of the year. Took up cycling with a couple of other friends and enjoying his bike rides that start at 6am and cycling for tens of kms each weekend. Insanity to others, thrilling to some.

Yours truly do miss blogging. Thoughts of closing this blog down have crossed my mind especially since I started this blog to talk about my kids when they were younger. Now, they are much older and well, our lives are getting a bit more routine to blog about. So I am thinking of changing the course of this blog. I might stay here or start another blog...not sure yet. But whatever it is, I will be sure to let you know.


Anonymous said...

Please don't leave, you have closet readers hiding in the woodwork! You just have to smoke them out like me hee...


DramaMama said...

LOL! Thanks for dropping in a line :)