Monday, June 28, 2010

Of cavities and swollen cheek

Prior to our week-long holiday in Melaka and Kuala Lumpur, the kids knew they had a visit to the dentist when we came back. Except for Farah, who was with her school drama club in an exchange programme in Adelaide. Can I just quickly digress that I am *amazed* at these so-called school trips. When I was in school, the furthest we went was Melaka and that was a treat. These days, schools take kids to ALL OVER the world. I know kids who went to New Zealand, Portugal and China with their school. Schools must be the next big target for travel agencies! We paid close to $2K for Farah's trip and she was going to stay with a family for 5 days and in a 3 star motel for only 2 days. The husband thinks its a rip-off but we couldn't quite get another travel agency to provide us with a cheaper quote, could we?

Anyway, back to the story. So the other two kids had the dentist look at their little pearlies. Sara went first and I thought it would be a breeze. The kid has white baby teeth brushes religiously. But no. She had two cavities - each on the left and right molar. One had a broken filling and another which was close to the nerves and would require a root canal. The thing about kid-friendly dentist is they distract the kids with a huge screen that can play any movie on-demand and for Sara, she gets a funky looking heart-shaped sunglasses as well to wear. She was happy with Barbie playing on the big screen and didn't know what the dentist was saying to me. I said no to the root canal, I said we'll leave that for another time. In fact, I suggested extraction instead but the dentist did warn me it could create alignment problems later on and I acknowledged that but sheesh, a root canal for a 7-year old was too cruel I thought. So, the dentist went on to fill the other cavity only to find that they need to clean the cavity and it was close to a nerve too. By that time, I was feeling rather cold and faint while Sara still had NO idea.

To cut a long story short, the topical anesthesia didn't work. A couple of screams and Noooos later, she was injected twice to block the nerves completely. Sara was crying and I was almost lying on the dentist chair next to Sara to calm her down. But a super trooper that she was, she held on to me and stayed on until the entire procedure was done.

When we left the dentist, she still couldn't feel her cheeks and as a result kept biting into her lips and cheeks that she's now ended up with a swollen lip and cheek. She's now frighten of dentists and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to get her to return to extract that other molar. Hmmm.

Danial had it easy. His adult teeth were cleaned and polished and he's thinking his now-sparkling smile will quite blind us. I should've asked for the heart-shaped sunglasses to bring home.

PS: Do you like my new template?? After five-plus years, I think this blog could do with a refreshed look, don't you think?


Fadhilah said...

Had to double check if I had the url right, but loves it! :D

DramaMama said...
