Monday, March 22, 2010

Corny lives here

My son, has the potential to be one of Jay Leno's writers when he grows up. He just needs a lot of time polishing his talent and soon, he'll be ready. I think. In the meantime, here are some of jokes he regaled us with.

What starts with "T", ends with "T" and is filled with "T"?
(After every riddle, he asks, "Give up? Sure you want to give up?")
(And each time he gives you the answer, it has to be followed by a huge BWA-HAHAHA, and usually it's just his and the husband's)

What do you call a mouse who's just had a shower?
("Give up? Sure you want to give up?")
Squeaky clean!

How do you make a tissue paper dance?
("Give up? Sure you want to give up?")
Put some booger in it!

1 comment:

JDsg said...

The typical response by one of my college friends to corny humor was to say, "Spare me thy puny wit!" :) Of course, I would never expect you to say this to your son.