Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Easy does it

The revisions with Sara are going well, alhamdulillah. We are now going into chapter two of Pri 2 maths topic. She's gaining some confidence and I am thrilled to bits.

JDsg, you would be pleased to know that I took your advice to heart and she has been taught one way of solving a particular maths problem and that seemed to clear LOTS of confusion. Jazakallah for the tip!

Sara also received compliments from her ustazah during her Iqra' lessons. She wasn't reading well and was dragging her feet during Iqra so when she did read well, the ustazah took advantage of it and praised her in front of the other kids and that pleased Sara very much. Pleased me, too :)

So it seems we have achieved some success with her. She is looking forward to going to her new school, in her new uniform and riding that school bus. What is the attraction with school bus, I might never understand since I walked to school until I was 12 and then took the public bus when I was 13 onwards.

The kids and I also got to bake some cookies and cupcakes when I took a couple of days' off from work. I must say, I could do with more SAHM days...besides spending time with the kids, those afternoon naps are delightful and decadent!

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