Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Falalalala lala la la

I've now just been able to come up for air. Work has been punishing and the kids have kept me really busy. Who knew that school holidays meant a break for teachers but extra work for parents? I'm only half kidding - the teachers I know are not having a break and parents have to work doubly hard at home to keep the kids entertained.

So anyways, if you didn't catch Muallaf, you missed out on something really good, my friends. I think The Picturehouse extended the screening of the movie which is a good sign that many more people have gone to watch it. The husband was very glad I dragged him along even though he really had no choice as he has to follow what I say since I'm his (hot) wife. His typical movie experience must include car chases and explosions or a shooting scene so for him to say he wouldn't mind watching Muallaf again, is saying a LOT. I'm waiting for the DVD to be out.

Jingle bells, jingle bells...

Moving on to a totally unrelated train of thought, I'm thisclose to signing up for an MBA programme. Yes, being overworked is restricting oxygen flow to my brain and that is impacting coherence of thought and clouding judgement. I don't even know what I'm doing blogging about this when I might chicken out at the last minute. I'm taking this up not because I want to be the next CEO to bring down a bank, coz there ain't many of those banks anymore to bring down to begin with. It's really for personal development firstly. And secondly because I am sadistic, that way.

Lest all my three readers think I am taking this lightly, pls know that I have been researching a suitable programme to join for a couple of years now, and have been making lots of du'a (that's supplication or prayer for those who are wondering what that word means). And the more du'a I make, the better I feel about signing up.

On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me.

Moving on to another topic, as you can tell, the Christmas muzak is wreaking havoc in my head. Everywhere I go, it's silver bells and someone dreaming of a white Christmas. Just like the ones I used to know. Know what I mean?

If you celebrate Christmas, happy shopping. If you don't, don't be shy about crowding the malls for shopping, too. The economy needs the contents of your wallet and there are many bargains to be had (unless of course you are in debt, and if you are, pls don't pay any attention to my shopping suggestion).

I think that's enough rambling for today. Bye.


JDsg said...

Salaam 'alaikum. You did know that I have an MBA, didn't you? ;)

DramaMama said...

Waalaikum salam. I knew you would leave a comment on this, lol! Yes, I guessed as much that you would have an MBA.

Am not doing it to climb the corporate ladder, it's more about learning and developing my own knowledge. Anyhow, insha Allah all will be well. I haven't actually applied yet, will do so tonight if I don't get cold feet at the last minute, that is!

Hope Eid was good for you.