Friday, July 09, 2010


I used to read almost a book a week pre-kids era. Work was hectic then but the evenings was when I would cradle a book in my hands, ferociously going through each word and inquiring the story, character, plot and sometimes, even trying to second guess and question the author's intentions. When the kids entered my world, I was happy to cradle them instead in my arms. And now, since the kids are too big for my arms, I am back to cradling books. Circle of life in action here, people.

In the six months or so, I have completed reading The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama and Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Relin. And I must say, both books are equally inspiring.

As both books show, education is the key to success. Sounds like a no-brainer but in far flung and war-torn places in Pakistan and Afghanistan, it is quite a feat. I am inspired by Greg Mortenson's simple philosophy - he wants to make a difference in the world by educating children, especially girls. He broke many stereotypes in his book - of mullahs, mujahideen and of Islam, especially. Through humanity, he shows that we are all not that different - every parent has a big dream for their children that are only stifled by the environment they live in. Some want to send their kids to school but there are either no schools or they can't afford to. Greg's mission is to build secular schools that are free. The villagers come together to build those schools together with funding from Greg's non-profit organization.

Obama's unique childhood and his quest for knowledge to better the community he is in, is inspiring. The efforts his late mother made to ensure he is not sidelined in education because of his colour, is touching.

What the two biographies really demonstrate is the important need for education to level the playing field. It is a no-brainer but it is unbelievable that there are children in this century who still has no access to schools and teachers or in this little island, children who can't or won't go to school because of the environment they are in.

And so, to walk the talk, I have volunteered myself in a literacy programme which kicks off in a couple of days. I will be working with a group of underprivileged kids to encourage them to read. I'm a little bit nervous and excited at the same time. Wish me luck as I take baby steps into this new venture.

*"Iqra" was the first commandment from Allah the Almighty to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The word means "Read" in Arabic.

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