Monday, May 25, 2009

Done and dusted...well almost

We found a buyer for our current apartment. The deposit has been given to us and the first round of signings have been done. Soon, we'll proceed with the next round of signing of papers.

And we've put down a deposit for that house the husband fell in love with. And truth be told, I started to fall in love with it, too. And so did the kids. And my parents whom we brought to view the house over the weekend. Hopefully the husband's parents will also like it, too when we bring them over this weekend.

The buyers of our apartment are not Muslims. I was thinking out loud to the husband that I was feeling a bit wistful as the apartment is a Muslim apartment since we are Muslims. And now that ownership of the house will be transfered to these nice people with a different religion, would the house then adopt and assume the new owners' religion? And isn't that too, too sad? That the apartment is changing it's religion? He looked at me with a puzzled look and then said, "Well you could pray for the apartment to remain Muslim despite the new owners' religion, if you want? Although I think all creations man-made or otherwise belong to one Creator?" Tsk.

After my moment of wistfulness was rudely interrupted, we then talked about the cleaning and packing that we need to start doing. I told the husband we should junk all the furniture and buy new ones and that it's really OK to do so because we've had these furniture for at least 12 years now and some were given to us. But no go. We need to be bring what we can bring over and then buy what we can't bring over. There goes my grand plan of unlimited shopping, as he reminds me of the limited cash we have. Oh, why won't money grow on trees...

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