Thursday, March 05, 2009

And off we go!

I have managed to convince the husband to attend a concert with me this Saturday. I have to bow to my own persuasive abilities (patting myself on the back now). As a result, he is coming with me to a concert by Anuar Zain whose concert earlier this year I missed - can't remember why but I'm sure it's work-related.

The tickets have been picked up and my outfit has been planned. Can you tell I'm quite excited? The man (Anuar Z, not the husband) is a talented singer and is super pleasing to the eyes, so I'm sure I will have a blast. The man (the husband, not Anuar Z) has told me in quite certain terms that he will try to slink in his seat as he would not want to be caught attending this concert. I've also been sworn to secrecy about this so please don't tell anyone, OK? And I've been told to go easy on the camera and ensure he is not in any of the pictures I'll be taking. Soo many demands and restrictions but I KNOW he will have as much fun as I will.

I'm pretty sure he'll be a fan at the end of it all. Resistance is futile!

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